Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

The purpose of this course is for students to become acquainted with literary voices from a varied range of cultural perspectives. Our emphasis will be on memoirs, fiction, drama, and poetry by authors whose country of origin, race, ethnicity, and/or gender/sexuality inform their narratives and will expand your own understanding of their chosen themes and techniques. This class is one of the gateway courses eligible to count toward the English major, but you don’t have to be an English major to take the class. We will be using a range of writing and discussion techniques to express ideas about the texts that we read. This is a course that will require active participation.

Student Outcomes

Students will be able to: 1) Engage in and develop familiarity with significant genres of intercultural literature within their historical and aesthetic contexts. 2) Develop proficiency in close reading, analytical writing, and intelligent discussion. 3) Recognize the applicability of the works we study to issues of diversity and inclusion in the U.S.
