Professor of English

"The Benefits of Watching the Circus Animals Desert: Myth, Yeats and Patriarchy in Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus" in Metafiction and Metahistory in Contemporary Women’s Writing

"The Benefits of Watching the Circus Animals Desert: Myth, Yeats and Patriarchy in Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus" in Metafiction and Metahistory in Contemporary Women’s Writing

The Western as Postmodern Satiric History: Thomas Berger's" Little Big Man"

The Western as Postmodern Satiric History: Thomas Berger's" Little Big Man"

Patrick O'Brian's Bodies at Sea: Sex, Drugs and the Physical Form in the Aubrey-Maturin Novels

Patrick O'Brian's Bodies at Sea: Sex, Drugs and the Physical Form in the Aubrey-Maturin Novels

"Elmore Leonard and the Romantic Comedy, or 'Get Some Love into It'” in Critical Essays on Elmore Leonard: If it Sounds Like Writing

"Elmore Leonard and the Romantic Comedy, or 'Get Some Love into It'” in Critical Essays on Elmore Leonard: If it Sounds Like Writing

Finding Meaning in Wine: A US Blend

Finding Meaning in Wine: A US Blend

Graham Greene's and Carol Reed's The Third Man: When a Cowboy Comes to Vienna

Graham Greene's and Carol Reed's The Third Man: When a Cowboy Comes to Vienna