
Image Date
Exhibit Date
September 13 - December 6, 2019
Exhibit Description
Painting Enlighten¬ment: Experiencing Wisdom and Compassion through Art and Science, features work by Japanese scientist and artist Iwasaki Tsuneo (1917-2002). The paintings create a contemplative journey-a meditation on the interconnectedness of the universe. Iwasaki collapses distinctions between image, text and thought with imagery representative of both scientific phenomena and Buddhist principles. The imagery is formed with characters from the sacred Heart Sutra text. lwasaki’s work expands the practice of copying sacred texts, a form of devotion with a long history in Japan. In his creative sutra copying, Iwasaki uses traditional Chinese characters to copy the text. Instead of separating the verses into vertical blocks, he reconfigures verses into images of DNA, lightning bolts, bubbles, atoms and ants. This presentation of Painting Enlightenment is organized by Louisiana State University Museum of Art and is made possible by the Indiana Arts Commission, the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency; a grant from the Efroymson Family Fund; the Asian Studies Program at DePauw University; and the Arthur E. Klauser Asian and World Community Collection endowed fund.
Recommended Citation
Tsuneo, Iwasaki, "Painting Enlightenment: Experiencing Wisdom and Compassion through Art and Science" (2019). All Past Exhibitions. 45, Scholarly and Creative Work from DePauw University.