Date of Award


Document Type


First Advisor

Christy Holmes

Second Advisor

Meryl Altman

Third Advisor

Aaron Cavin


I was fortunate enough to find a thesis topic within my own family. My paternal grandmother was guardian ad litem for Alice Paul in the later 1970s. Paul was instrumental in securing the passage of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote, and author of the Equal Rights Amendment among other contributions for women’s rights. Fortunately my grandmother saved court records, letters, her notes, and more for her period of activism with Paul and as part of the Ridgefield Connecticut National Women’s Political Caucus. I knew nothing of my grandmother’s work until last year. My thesis seeks to tell the stories of Alice Paul and my grandmother in their own words through the use of oral histories and to examine their paths into activism and the transfer of feminism across generations.


Honor Scholar thesis
