Date of Award


Document Type


First Advisor

Jamie Stockton

Second Advisor

Pamela Propsom

Third Advisor

Derek Ford


This thesis analyses education as a potential force of indoctrination by looking at two powerful leaders during World War II: Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Following the abstract and acknowledgements, this thesis continues into the personal statement and positionality. Next, there is an intensive literature review, consisting of: a historical background before World War II, sections regarding psychology of education and leaders and followers. Then comes the purpose of the thesis, followed by the methods used to obtain data. After the background information, I go directly into talking about Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini using backgrounds from their countries to explain the political circumstances of their rise, and ending with information on their education systems, including both boys and girls. Lastly, I discuss some limitations of this thesis before finishing with my conclusion and propaganda sections.


Honor Scholar Thesis
