Submissions from 2022
Teaching Income Inequality with Data-Driven Visualization, Humberto Barreto and Sang T. Truong
Submissions from 2021
Greek Myth or Fact? The Role of Greek Houses in Alcohol and Drug Violations on American Campuses, Manu Raghav and Timothy Diette
Estimated Profit: A Look at the Excess Revenues of Private Four-Year Nonprofit Postsecondary Institutions, Manu Raghav and Robert Toutkoushian
Submissions from 2020
A Covid-19 Teaching Example: Pooled Testing with Microsoft Excel, Humberto Barreto
Intermediate Microeconomics with Microsoft Excel®, Humberto Barreto
Retaining skilled employees: A human capital model with innovation and entrepreneurship, Koray Sayili
Submissions from 2019
Accessing IRS Form 990 Data with Excel, Humberto Barreto and Michele T. Villinski
Give us a little social credit: to design or to discover personal ratings in the era of Big Data, Abigail Devereaux and Linan Peng
Submissions from 2018
Do GPAs Differ Between Longer Classes and More Frequent Classes at Liberal Arts Colleges?, T.M. Diette and M. Raghav
Submissions from 2017
Let’s Put Demography Back into Economics: Population Pyramids in Excel, Humberto Barreto
An Introduction to Understanding and Teaching Within-Cluster Correlation in Complex Surveys, Humberto Barreto and M. Raghav
Does early bird catch the worm or a lower GPA? Evidence from a liberal arts college, T.M. Diette; and M. Raghav
Submissions from 2016
A student's dilemma: is there a trade-off between a higher salary or higher GPA, T.M. Diette and M. Raghav
Submissions from 2015
Why Excel?, Humberto Barreto
Class size matters: Heterogeneous effects of larger classes on college student learning, T.M. Diette and M. Raghav
Submissions from 2013
Understanding and teaching unequal probability of selection, Manu Raghav and Humberto Barreto
Submissions from 2009
Convictions versus conviction rates: The prosecutor's choice, E. Rasmusen, M. Raghav, and M. Ramseyer