
Submissions from 1993

[I stepped on red leaves], E. Morse

Ode to the Dunes, Jessie Myszka

Poetry, Jessie Myszka

"Untitled", Jessie Myszka

For Father, Andy Prall

Hooray, Andy Prall

The Great Beyond, Anna Scheirich

[Overcast night], Matt Simpson

Bridges, Amanda Southerland

Passing on the Right, Amy Sputh

Seeking Warmth, Julie Tippet

October 18, 1989, Michael Wallace

Big Brother, Aly Willman

Through Wagontire, Aly Willman

Ayler's Still Alive, Steve Wright

I'm Alive, Steve Wright

Submissions from 1992

Mechteld 1973-1987, Corinne Arnold

Giza: 25 mi, Chris Cercone

Intertropical Convergence Zone, Chris Cercone

Five Minutes After Talking to Mom, Patrick Childress

Campus View: Cervical Cancer: A Candid Disclosure, Lara Ellen Dose

If Salvador Dali Lived on a Farm Outside Wichita, Dan Draheim

Eccentricity, Leah A. Dunbar

The blonde-headed black boy, Rena Joy Dunbar

World View: The Cranes of Hiroshima, Lisa Marie Foerster

Fairy Kingdom, Anne Hunter

Witness to an Execution, Mark Johnson

Inside View: The Reality of the Appearance, Sheila McDermott

The Ritz Bar in Paris, Ted Pigott

Bath Baby, Jane Sudlow

Submissions from 1991

Living the Lesser Man, Anonymous _

Picasso's "Guernica", Shibani Bathija

A Plagiarism Story, Barbara Bean

World View: From Greencastle to Jerusalem, Joshua Block

Campus View: Multiple Realities, Nate Boone

Agora, Laticia Callecod

Vernal Equinox, Laticia Callecod

Gardener, Christine Cercone

Camera Flash, Julie Cole

World View: The Red, White, and Blue Beast, Catherine Day

Campus View: Caution: Frozen Cardboard Ahead, Matt Demmings

Inside View: Good Writers Plagiarize, Great Writers Steal, John Hirschman

Inside View: The Descent into Mediocrity, Anne Hunter

Inside View: Writing From the Margin, Anne Hunter

My Eden, Anne Hunter

The Web Beneath the Plain, Katheryn Ingle

Parts and the Whole, Tracy Johnson

Campus View: I Am A Black Woman, Seana Murphy

You Don't Have to do That, Rick Ness

A Hurried Political Travelogue, O. R. Raymond

World View: A Post-Mortem on Soviet Communism: The God that Died, O. Ralph Raymond

Melting in the Pot, Sharene Shariatzadeh

Submissions from 1990

Poetry Feast: The Walls in This Room Are White; Copper Mine, Mark Burdge

Inside View: Nocturnal Me, Tom S. Caw

Years of Gleaning, Tom S. Caw

Campus View: Taking a Closer Look at the Winter Term in Mission Program, David Dalenberg and Kathleen Jagger

Book Review: Playful American originality - Smoulder by Mark Cox, Thomas Emery

We Have to Change With the Times, Thomas Emery

Body Parts, Lisa Fay

Three Southern Landscapes, David Field, Tom Chiarella, and Mel Wininger

Pomegranate, Astrid Fingerhut

Indian Dance, Jud Fisher

Two Poems: Birds and Bones; While Diving Under Water..., Brian Getz

1. What Matters 2. Why, Wayne Glausser

Inside View: Regarding Shrubberies, Chris Hamilton

down around kathmandu; morning, sugar creek, Polly M. Harrold

Don't Blink: The Transience and Immanence of Cyberpunk, Brad Hartman

World View: Rethinking WTIM, Philip M. Hellmich

Inside View: The Midwestern Review and DePauw's Identity, John Hirschman

The Voyeur, Dale Hrebik

A Walk in Time Through Northern Indiana, Kathryn Ingle

A Glimpse of the Other Side of Cabrini-Green, Tracy Johnson

On Words, Fear, and Words of Fear, Stephanie Kruel

One Night is Enough, Stuart Lord

Problems with Time and Space, Dave Martin

Campus View: It's More Than Just a Game. It's an Institution., Stan McCoy

An Eclectic Effusion of Epigrams, Ray Mizer

For Mrs. Till in honor of her son, Seana Murphy

Redefining Civil Rights, Seana Murphy

Subways, Streets and Stadiums, Rick Ness, Georgi Johnson, Patrick Childress, and Kim Carter

Two (more) Poems: Tollbooth; Leaves, Ted O'Connell

Easy Listening, Kathryn Pratt

East Central Europe in Upheaval, 1990: A Hurried Political Travelogue, O. R. Raymond

World View: Notes on a Coming Civil War, Chris Stoll

Therapy, Bill Summers

In Memory of Billy Montgomery, Matthew L. Supple

Night, Mike Tompkins

Submissions from 1989


Midwestern Review Vol. 3, Iss. 1 [Full Issue]

Inside View: Dietary Habits And Techno-Fear, Tom S. Caw

Three Poems: Simply Put; Winter Winds; The Carnival is Where They Cheat You, Dale Combs

Making the Pieces Fit, Catherine Day

Etheridge Knight Profile, Conley Dooley

Campus View: The Freethinker, Leah Knight

World View: Lost, Guilty, and Lucky, Catherine McGraw

What Matters to Me, Steve Raines

That's Not Funny, Doug Reitz

Perfect Pictures, Maria Sharpe

Painting, Lee Smith