Ethics of Working from Home: Personal Devices


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Many people in the United States are now working from home in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. This brings up all sorts of ethical dilemmas, including the one we're discussing on this week's show: Should employees be required to use their personal devices when working from home? A special thank you to listener Robin, who sent in a great question that sparked our conversation. Getting Ethics to Work’s resident ethicist Andy Cullison and producer Kate Berry examine her question about the ethics of using personal computers when working from home. On this episode and every episode, we dig into complicated stories from the workplace and discuss the underlying moral problems these cases bring up. This is just the first in a series of episodes where we'll explore the ethics of working from home. If you have a workplace dilemma you need some help with, send your story to our producer Kate at And don't forget, we're hosting a weekly live Zoom discussion Friday at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. It will be a chance to talk about ethics and get to know the Getting Ethics to Work listener community: we hope you will join us! Scroll on for information on how to get an invitation. For this episode’s transcript, click here.

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