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Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 4:15pm


As a visual artist, Professor Claudia Esslinger brings to her video and installation work an interest in visceral, sculptural props and experimental forms. Interactive technologies support her focus on human and environmental relationships. She often collaborates with dancers, musicians, writers and scientists to develop new work which has been shown in film festivals, live performance and gallery installations both nationally and internationally. Professor Esslinger has taught at Kenyon since 1984, first as a printmaker and then transitioning into video art, digital imaging, new media and installation. Originally from Long Island, N.Y., Esslinger taught for two years at Denison University before coming to Kenyon. She holds an MFA from the University of Minnesota (1981) and BA from Bethel College, St. Paul (1976). She is the recipient of seven Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Awards and a New Forms Regional Grant (NEA).


"Host" and "Connectivity: Technology and the Natural World" are examples of recent work with Tom Giblin. The formation of a observational station in both installations puts the viewer above and beyond the layer of obscuring panels and the lower map-like grid of a diminutive landscape.
