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Lori Miles Waiting Pool, 2021 Free print-from-home digital photo


Lori Miles Waiting Pool, 2021 Free print-from-home digital photo

Exhibit Date

March 8 - April 9, 2021

Exhibit Description

In an exercise of salutary art, Professor Lori Miles will be selling off her entire career of artworks for rock-bottom prices. This Everything-Must-Go sale includes nearly-useless large-scale sculptures, offensive disaster-related paintings, odd assemblages that no one but a mother could love, and altered digital prints that seem to be from another time entirely. This clearing house exhibition will pave the way for a new, yet-unknown chapter of Miles' creative career, with possibilities including recycling plastic into boards to make a modern-day Tower of Babel, opening a donut shop because "everybody loves donuts", becoming a self-appointed cryptozoology expert, or beginning a writing career in the lucrative field of written erotica. The possibilities are endless, but only if she lets go of caring for her art from times past.
