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Image credits from top left to bottom right: Dennis Revitzky, Tattooed Artist, 2009; Linda Adato, Under the Overpass, 2007; Mary Teichman, Trainspotting, 2015; Michael Di Cerbo, The Granite Island, 2015; all images available through the Syracuse University Art Collection


Image credits from top left to bottom right: Dennis Revitzky, Tattooed Artist, 2009; Linda Adato, Under the Overpass, 2007; Mary Teichman, Trainspotting, 2015; Michael Di Cerbo, The Granite Island, 2015; all images available through the Syracuse University Art Collection

Exhibit Date

February 3 – June 10, 2020

Exhibit Description

The Society of American Graphic Artists was founded in 1915 and called the Brooklyn Society of Etchers. It was started by printmakers with the goal of educating the public about printmaking as an art form. Some of the founding members were Ernest Roth, John Taylor Arms, Childe Hassam, and John Marin. The Council and members of SAGA continue the founding members’ mission through national exhibitions and print symposiums. SAGA today reflects the growth and changes taking place in printmaking. This exhibition displays the prints of sixty-six SAGA members with a variety of statements and techniques that reflect their individual approaches to printmaking. All the prints in this exhibition were created in the twenty-first century and include traditional and contemporary approaches to printmaking. In their prints, our members continue to show a wide variety of imagery, mediums and mastery of techniques, demonstrating the highest standards of excellence. Our members continue to push the medium and contribute to the growth of printmaking.
