
Image Date
cyanotype with enamel on paper
Exhibit Date
August 22 - October 10, 2018
Exhibit Description
Indianapolis-based artist Casey Roberts will exhibit a new body of artworks this fall at the Peeler Art Center Galleries. “My work illustrates a fantastic landscape,” states Casey. “It represents nature's subtle way of dealing with the peculiar aspects in the relationship with mankind. A giant glow-in-the-dark heart, or a pile of precious gems tells us that we are loved, just as blood squirting from an oak tree trunk says, all is not well. I am inspired by my conversation with the landscape, I imagine long monologues when pine forests make me laugh and mountains test my patience.” Casey works with a photochemical process known as cyanotype. “The cyanotype is a civil war era process that when exposed to sunlight and developed gives a vibrant blue image. I paint with this light sensitive medium directly on paper or canvas. With everyday items such as baking soda, bleach and peroxide I am able to achieve a range of colors and textures thru controlled chemical reactions. I repeat this process adding many layers until the image is fully realized, often finishing with watercolor painting or a collage element.” Funding for this exhibition is generously provided by the Efroymson Family Fund.
Recommended Citation
Roberts, Casey, "Casey Roberts" (2018). All Past Exhibitions. 58, Scholarly and Creative Work from DePauw University.
Whale tail Casey Roberts