"Infinite splendor, infinite light: the Bruce walker '53 collection of " by Bruce Walker


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Bruce Walker

Image Date



Peeler Art Center, University Gallery (upper level)


Shakyamuni Stong Sku or 1000 Bodies

Exhibit Date

August 25 - December 12, 2017

Exhibit Description

Peeler Art Center, University Gallery (upper level) Bruce Walker graduated from DePauw in 1953. After two years in the Marine Corps, he became a case officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (1956-1973), working on the Agency's Tibetan resistance project 1960-1968. While stationed in India and Sikkim during the period 1962-1968, he assembled an impressive collection of Tibetan thangkas, works on paper, and religious objects which he donated to DePauw in 2002. The exhibition is also accompanied by a full color catalog with contributions from DePauw University students, faculty, and staff. Funding for the exhibition and print catalog is generously provided by: the Arthur E. Klauser Endowment, Asian Studies, the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation, the Larry & Lesley Stimpert Endowment Fund, Peace & Conflict Studies, the Efroymson Family Fund: A Central Indiana Community Foundation Fund, and the Prindle Institute for Ethics.
