"Pulled, Pressed, and Screened: Important American Prints" by Peeler Galleries


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Romare BeardenIn the Garden, 1979Lithograph on paper1982.7.2Gift of Richard F. and Evelyn C. CoxArt © Romare Bearden Foundation, Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY


Romare Bearden In the Garden

Exhibit Date

August 30 - December 10, 2017

Exhibit Description

Peeler Art Center, University Gallery (lower level) This exhibition of 51 important American prints surveys the activities of artists who put designs on paper during this exciting period. Thomas Hart Benton, Anne Ryan, Milton Avery, Dorothy Dehner, Robert Motherwell, Helen Frankenthaler, Andy Warhol, Elizabeth Catlett, Jasper Johns and Romare Bearden are a few of the artists represented in this examination of the growth in popularity of printmaking among American artists during this 50-year period. Especially significant are the contributions of women to printmaking during this period as well as the impact of African American artists on the graphic arts. Combined with artists who immigrated to the United States during these decades and the increased numbers of painters and sculptors who took up printmaking, this exhibition makes abundantly clear the egalitarian nature of the print. Organized by the Syracuse University Art Collection.v
