
Image Date
Exhibit Date
September 8 – December 9, 2016
Exhibit Description
Peeler Art Center, University Gallery (Lower Level) Where Do We Migrate To? explores diverging ways in which forms of migration, experiences of displacement, and questions of belonging have been addressed by artists in recent years. Displaying a multiplicity of migratory encounters, the exhibition presents multiple perspectives about its subject matter, opening up a range of political, psychological, poetic, and pragmatic manifestations of the contemporary migrant experience. The internationally touring exhibition Where Do We Migrate To? is curated by Niels Van Tomme, Director at de Appel arts centre in Amsterdam, and organized by the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, which also published the exhibition catalogue by the same title. The exhibition and catalogue are made possible, in part, with the support of the Flemish Government through Flanders House New York. Additional funding for this activity at DePauw University is made possible, in part, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, and the Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics.
Recommended Citation
Tomme, Niels Van, "Where Do We Migrate To?" (2016). All Past Exhibitions. 77, Scholarly and Creative Work from DePauw University.
Isola & Norzi prints, finisterrea 2007 Wood, sawdust - room dimensions