"Capturing Fame: Photographs and Prints by Andy Warhol" by Andy Warhol


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Peeler Art Center, University Gallery (lower level)


Capturing Fame: Photographs and Prints by Andy Warhol exhibit cover art

Exhibit Date

June 2 – July 28, 2015

Exhibit Description

Peeler Art Center, University Gallery (lower level) From 1970 to 1987 Warhol took scores of Polaroid and black-and-white photographs, the vast majority of which have never been seen by the public. These images often served as the basis for his commissioned portraits, silkscreened paintings, drawings, and prints. While the Polaroid portraits reveal Warhol’s profound and frank engagement with the personality in front of his lens, the gelatin silver prints point to his extraordinary compositional skill, his eye for detail, and his compulsive desire to document the world around him. Taken together, these photographs survey the scope of Warhol’s aesthetic interests and demonstrate the reach of his curious, far-roaming eye. Capturing Fame: Photographs and Prints by Andy Warhol was made possible by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., and the Andy Warhol Photographic Legacy Program. Additional support for conservation matting and framing was provided by Robert N. Davies '58 in memory and honor of Mary Ellen Guyer Davies
