"MUS 440A Practicum Pearson Fall 2023" by William Pearson

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2023

Course Description

Practicum provides mentorship and credit for completing a music-related group project that substantively engages the world outside of the SOM. As the capstone course of the core 21CM curriculum, it also asks you to think broadly about the professional music field and synthesize concepts and skills through action and reflection.

Student Outcomes

• Practice, strengthen, and synthesize skills/ideas you have encountered in prior 21CM courses • Further the pursuit of your personal interests and goals through your role in a project that you help design and implement • Gain practical experience and skills in different kinds of work that artistic careers often involve • Gain a deeper understanding of the professional music field from a variety of social, economic, and public policy perspectives • Develop a working personal vision for the future of the field and your relationship to it • Take concrete steps toward integrating your conceptual understanding of the field, practical skills, and visions for the future
