"ENG 149E Intro to Creative Writing White Fall 2023" by Chris White

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2023

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the practice of creative writing in various forms within a workshop setting, utilizing texts as models that represent a diverse group of authors.

Though some of you will end up in careers not closely related to creative writing, the efforts you put into brainstorming story and subject ideas, thinking about the ways stories matter, observing closely, identifying what’s working and what’s not in a piece of writing, and putting complex ideas into words that enliven, challenge, and create deep feeling in your reader/audience, will give you tools and confidence that will help you succeed in countless other areas. I will be available to you through conference or email to answer questions about your writing work, help you move forward when you feel stuck, talk about the English writing major and/or minor at DePauw—whatever you need

Student Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes:
If you bring your engagement, boldness, and dedication, you will learn: 1) to observe the world around you and inside you as writers, and translate it into words, 2) to read critically as writers, 3) to ignite and fan the spark of ‘inspiration’ (and to persevere with or without it), 4) to become fluent in the basic tenets of creative writing in three genres: poetry, short fiction, and dramatic writing, 5) to understand that writing is revision, 6) to contribute substantively and democratically to class discussion and workshop, 7) to contribute to an environment that is equitable to all its members, 8) and to be less afraid of using your voice in all its forms.
