Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course is an intensive, independent investigation of the methods and theories of contemporary sculpture. Emphasis will be placed on the acquisition of skills and techniques relating to your own personal artistic direction. Meetings during the planning stage will outline specific goals for materials, techniques, and tools to be utilized. As an advanced course, there is an expectation that your pieces will not just explore the formal and craft concerns of your practice, but dive deeply into your own conceptual ideas. For this purpose, your artworks must all be cohesive and represent a body of work, a series of work, or a collection tied together with conceptual bonds.

Student Outcomes

  • employ research methods appropriate to professional artists
  • safely utilize advanced sculptural tools and techniques
  • independent investigation of materials and processes
  • carefully considered relationship between form, craft, and content
  • produce cohesive and sophisticated sculptural works
  • locate your artistic practice within the history of sculpture
  • giving and taking challenging criticism
