Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course is intended to do several things. First and foremost, this course is intended to introduce you to the essential concepts in the sub‐disciplines of ecology and evolutionary biology (each of these having further sub‐disciplines). Per the title, it is supposed to introduce you to concepts from organismal‐level biology, but I doubt it will actually do that‐ I’ll be trying!

Student Outcomes

1. Understand methods of biological inquiry that lead to new scientific knowledge.
2. Be able to organize, analyze, and interpret quantitative data and scientific information
3. Gain & retain important knowledge about evolutionary biology & ecology:

  • Explain the theory of evolution by natural selection
  • Describe relationships between structure and function of biological adaptations
  • Interpret depictions of phylogenetic relationships
  • Apply the basic rules of Mendelian genetics and inheritance
  • Demonstrate knowledge of population, community, and ecosystem structure and function
