"GEOS 310 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Cope Spring 2024" by Tim Cope

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course is a survey of modern sedimentary geology that will give you experience interpreting sedimentary rocks in terms of the processes that created them. Completing the course should give you a greater understanding of what sediment and sedimentary rocks can tell you about Earth surface processes and how those processes have changed through time. The skills and knowledge you learn in this class have applications in core facets of environmental and geological work.

Student Outcomes

This is an upper-level geology course focused on the interpretation of sedimentary rock.
By the end of this class, you should be able to:

  • describe the processes by which sediment is created, transported, and deposited;
  • describe and identify common types of sediment and sedimentary rocks;
  • Interpret sedimentary deposits in terms of depositional processes;
  • recognize the deposits of common sedimentary environments;
  • interpret and correlate stratigraphic successions; and
  • apply your skills and knowledge to a real outcrop.
