Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

"What's for dinner?" Though this perennial question may seem banal, when considered through the lens of sustainability, which requires consideration for social equity, environmental integrity, and economic viability, it becomes one of the most important questions of the 21st century. The incredible advances in food production developed through the wonders of chemistry, physics, and computer science, and supported through policies advantaging so-called economic efficiencies have brought marvelous advances in society and prosperity to billions of people now living on this finite planet. These gains come at a cost: an estimated 800 million people are currently undernourished, eco- systems are threatened by pesticides and fertilizer run-off. As the population of the globe increases so do the costs to people and the planet. Society must pursue sustainable agricultural practices in order to preserve both the Earth's ecosystems and human dignity. In this course, students will explore all aspects of the modern food system with an eye towards identifying problems and suggesting sustainable practices. Students will learn sustainability and systems theory, soil science and plant biology, food commodity economics, and agricultural politics while also applying this understanding to applied active-learning projects on Ullem Campus Farm. Students will gain practical experience with sustainable agriculture methods, enjoy class out of doors, and learn how to contribute to global environmental solutions.

Student Outcomes

With the successful completion of this class, you will be able to: Describe and critique food systems; Interpret and explain the fundamental concepts of sustainability; Identify key characteristics of soils and explain how they are influenced by soil forming factors; Apply concepts from plant biology to growing produce; Formulate solutions to food system problems; and Discuss the role of complex systems in sustainability and agriculture
