Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Includes laboratory. Designed to introduce students to the discipline of kinesiology including the major subdisciplines and approaches to studying movement. Laboratory activities are designed to allow for measurement of phenomenon discussed in class, to introduce common laboratory procedures and techniques, and to learn how to collect and analyze data to answer questions of interest in kinesiology.

Student Outcomes

On completion of the course, students will be able to: • Define the field of Kinesiology and describe its subdisciplines (including anatomy, exercise physiology, exercise epidemiology, athletic training and sports medicine, sport nutrition, biomechanics, motor behavior, sport psychology), and what types of jobs are available in the field. • Gain awareness of the foundations critical to the field of Kinesiology. • Compare and contrast subdisciplines of kinesiology including anatomy, exercise physiology, exercise epidemiology, training, biomechanics, nutrition and psychology. • Explain where the scientific literature comes from, how to obtain it, the different types of scientific articles, and the basics on how to read a scientific paper. • Organize, analyze, and interpret quantitative data common to field of Kinesiology. • Recognize examples of normative values for basic variables during rest and exercise (e.g., heart rate, oxygen consumption). • Characterize the different adaptations to the body with endurance and strength training • Explore the benefits of physical activity, sport and exercise for health and discuss the interconnectedness between Kinesiology, Health, Human Performance, and Medicine. • Briefly explain exercise screening and prescription to prevent chronic disease.
