"KINS 350 Motor Control Addison Fall 2023" by Rueben Addison

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2023

Course Description

The course goals are for students to learn about, to acquire a better understanding of and to gain an appreciation for the neural aspects of human movement. Assessments of course goals will include exams and a project. Topics will include: theories of Motor control, neuroanatomy, voluntary/involuntary motor control, clinical applications and more: muscle dynamics; sensory and motor neural pathways; subcortical reflexes; supraspinal mechanisms; behavioral issues.

Student Outcomes

1. Describe common theoretical models proposed to explain motor control 2. Describe and identify the structure and function of the neuromuscular and sensory systems as they relate to motor control 3. Integrate and apply the knowledge of motor control for neurorehabilitation management of motor control dysfunction 4. Research, plan, organize and produce a report as part of a collaborative team on a motor control dysfunction to peers and instructor
