"KINS 255 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Brooks Fall 2023" by Naomi Brooks

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Publication Date

Fall 2023

Course Description

This course counts as SM credit and is a requirement for the Kinesiology major. The goal of this course is to teach basic anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the organ systems, with emphasis placed on how the organ systems regulate homeostasis of the body’s internal environment. The body systems will be examined from molecular to whole body level. Specific topics for this section are listed on the class schedule. Class and lab experiences are to a) become familiar with principles and mechanisms in basic human anatomy and physiology, explaining control and regulation of physiological systems at rest b) explore methods of inquiry that lead to scientific knowledge and c) practice organizing, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative data.

Student Outcomes

On completion of the course, students will be able to: • Understand and apply the concept of homeostasis and the organization of the human body (chemical, cellular, tissue) and how key molecules regulate basic mechanisms to maintain homeostasis. • Describe and compare the main anatomical features of the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system and endocrine system. • Summarize and explain the physiological function of the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system and endocrine system for maintenance of homeostasis. • Describe and explain the control and regulation of physiological systems at rest. • Understand the application of human anatomy and physiology to professions allied to medicine. • Use analytic and IT skills to develop a scientific report to communicate results from data collection.
