Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This is the first of two courses required to complete the music performance degree (Bachelor of Music). This course is taken in conjunction with a student’s applied lessons during the semester in which the junior recital will be presented in a public setting. Students will work with their applied professor to prepare a 30-minute recital consisting of the repertoire required by the instrumental/vocal area. Students will also be responsible for creating a recital program and slide presentation of the program.

Student Outcomes

Students will be able to: • Perform a musically and stylistically informed solo recital with good musicianship on stage before a live audience; • Demonstrate acceptable application and command of musical concepts acquired through the study of music theory, music history, and music performance; • Perform significant works from the repertoire of the student’s performance area; • Develop specific skills, competencies, and perspectives needed by professional musicians in the student’s performance area; and, • Demonstrate professionalism and organization in coordinating and collaborating with various personnel, offices, and entities during the process of preparing and presenting a public solo recital.
