Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

The Senior Seminar in Music is the capstone experience for students earning the BMA or the BA degree with a music major. Your capstone project will be an original thesis paper, chapters, or a series of podcasts or videos. You will choose a topic centered on music and develop it, in consultation with Dr. Harbert and the other members of this seminar, from a rough proposal through several draft stages and finally to polished and original work of which you can be proud. Seminar participants will share ideas, resources, and support for these projects, and much of the course will be a collaborative workshop. Senior Seminar provides you with the time and supportive space to delve deeply into a topic of great significance to you, and through this work you will learn what becoming a true expert on a topic entails. This course is not only about creating your final projects; it also aims to hone your communication skills in general. As an S course, speaking and listening are significant elements of the class. You will present regularly on your work-in-progress both formally and informally.

Student Outcomes

You will be able to... ● Create a substantial and meaningful capstone project of which you can be proud. ● Develop independent research skills, including designing a format, deciding on a topic, asking compelling questions, gathering and reading sources, and advancing original argument(s). ● Practice your public speaking skills, honing your ability to speak clearly and convincingly about the subjects on which you are becoming an expert. Create engaging audio and/or video content to present your work publicly. ● Communicate more clearly, effectively, accurately, and stylishly. ● Deepen your ability to reflect on and evaluate your learning as both a process and a product. Cultivate a growth mindset and learn to be your own best teacher.
