Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Senior Seminar in Music Education stresses a professional examination of principles of classroom management, legal rights and responsibilities, certification, accountability, and current issues in education. Practical problems faced in the profession will be addressed. An emphasis is placed upon the examination and refinement of personal attitudes and teaching skills. Students will participate in a final exhibition that involves a formal presentation of personal growth and competence via a portfolio process.

Student Outcomes

University music education students completing this course will be able to: 1. Analyze P-12 classroom phenomena as a student of teaching/learning. 2. Distinguish among traditional and contemporary theories of classroom dynamics & management. 3. Defend an individual classroom dynamic/management plan. 4. Describe elements of music education research. 5. Implement a research plan of study for their P-12 students’ pre-, post-, & gain scores related to learning. 6. Reflect effectively upon their own teaching practice.
