Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Musicianship III is designed to develop and reinforce relevant skills related to theoretical concepts presented in Theory III and beyond. This course will include a review of traditional, tonal harmony and will also foster individual musical exploration via improvisation, basic composition, and arranging. The development of musicianship skills is a lifelong musical journey. In addition to practical musicianship - such as gaining fluency with functional, tonal harmony - this course will also encourage students to interact with music in ways that are practical for real-life and meaningful musical experiences. Students will also gain experience performing for one another and will have the opportunity to engage in class discussion about musical experience. Through the development of these skills, each student will move closer to the achievement of musical fluency. Fluency in music enables musicians to adapt confidently, quickly, and adeptly to music from a wide variety of genres and repertoires in a wide variety of performance contexts. The development of aural skills related to sight-singing is crucial to the success of a musical career in the 21st century where sight-reading is at a high demand. Through group activities, students will gain experience leading rehearsals and developing key musical communication techniques. Through dedicated and deliberate practice of these skills, students will also develop a deep understanding of how various musical parts fit into the whole of a work and develop the ability to listen and adjust to collaborators. Fluent musicianship means a musician is able to make spontaneous artistic choices in the moment of performance. Fluent musicianship gives the artist agency and musical freedom.

Student Outcomes

Bytheendofthecourse,studentswillbeableto: ○ Identify small forms by ear. ○ Recognize all seventh chords in inversion ○ Recognize additions and alterations not limited to 7sus4; M or m add6; M or m add9; M, m or dom 9; M, m, or dom 13, M7#5 chords in root position. ○ Recognize basic ii-V-I jazz progressions. ○ Identify blues scales and sing melodies based on them. ○ Sightseeing modulation melodies to closely related keys, and melodies with chromatic harmonies, both prepared and at sight.
