Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Congratulations, you have earned the right, privilege, and responsibility of being in the Peace and Conflict Studies Senior Seminar. Your presence here means you have been successful in your academic career and are now positioned and prepared to make your final, capstone statement to your course of studies at DePauw. The seminar is a special moment in your education, a time for focused, engaged, and substantive work. While you have engaged in the production of knowledge in your previous academic work, you are now going to do it at the highest level at DePauw. Once completed, you will have earned the right to graduate and move forward to the next great stage in your lives. Even better, we will be working together in a collaboration that is special. Learning is a collaborative enterprise, and gaining more experience at advanced level collective work is a great skill to acquire.

Student Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to 1) Identify and evaluate the relevance of course literature to their specific topic of interest. 2) Compare and contrast that literature based on its relevance to the field overall and their topic of interest. 3) Arrange the above-identified content and use it to evaluate and analyze the topic of their interest.
