Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course aims to embark students on a transformative journey through the dynamic realm of policy analysis, where evidence-based recommendations are crafted to address pressing public concerns. This course empowers students with indispensable analytical skills, transcending boundaries beyond the public sphere to equip them for multifaceted applications. As the semester unfolds, students’ analytical expertise will be sharpened by exploring a mosaic of policy analysis models and critical perspectives, deepening students’ comprehension. Policy analysis is the cornerstone of applied research, predominantly employed by consultants, bureaucrats, politicians, nonprofit organizations, advocacy groups, and public administrators. As policy analysts, your mission will involve defining and framing public dilemmas, dissecting potential strategies to tackle these challenges, and advocating solutions that resonate with practicality and efficacy. Consequently, students’ journey through policy analysis demands a diverse toolkit of competencies: a profound grasp of the policy landscape, a deep appreciation for the concerns of an array of stakeholders, technical proficiency in analytical instruments, and the art of crafting and communicating actionable recommendations. Consequently, this course serves as students’ foundation in the intricate art of public policy analysis, introducing fundamental concepts and offering hands-on, project-based opportunities to hone students’ skills. The hands-on component of the course aims at immersing students in the intricate tapestry of solving an identified policy conundrum. This immersive exercise allows you to apply the expertise and wisdom acquired during the course, culminating in a comprehensive and experiential learning experience.

Student Outcomes

1) Comprehensive Policy Analysis: Students will articulate, both in writing and verbally, the intricacies of the policy analysis framework, including problem identification, formulation of policy alternatives, establishment of criteria for evaluation, and development of implementation strategies. 2) Advanced Problem Evaluation: Students will exhibit the ability to critically evaluate multifaceted policy issues by identifying their root causes, recognizing key stakeholders, assessing potential consequences, and proposing evidence-based solutions that consider the broader implications. 3) Effective Communication: Students will be proficient in crafting clear, concise policy memos and briefs, as well as delivering compelling oral presentations. They will skillfully communicate their analyses and recommendations to diverse audiences, ensuring comprehension and persuasiveness. Furthermore, they will adapt their communication style to suit the preferences and needs of different stakeholders.
