Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Welcome to Logic! Logic is a wonderful subject taught in both mathematics and philosophy departments the world over. Thus, Logic is one of the most intensively studied inter-disciplinary areas of inquiry. But what is logic? The single-handed most important concept in all of logic is inference. Two examples: If it is raining, then it is wet. All humans are mortal It is raining. Socrates is human ∴∴ In each case, what can be inferred? If you cannot see the inference, do not fret. By the end of the semester you will neither have trouble solving such problems nor understanding why the inferences work. Logic asks “What follows from what? Why?”

Student Outcomes

Students should be familiar with the methods of formal logic. Performance Indicators: L1. Students demonstrate through exams, homework, and projects that they can understand logical symbolism, including at least the symbolism of sentential and predicate logic. L2. Students demonstrate through exams, homework, and projects that they can use formal methods to evaluate arguments for validity within these logical systems. L3. Students demonstrate through exams, homework, and projects that they can translate between sentences of natural language and formulas of these logical systems.
