Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

We will carefully examine an assortment of ethical worldviews or theories, both religious and non-religious, paying particular attention to these questions: 1. What makes life valuable or meaningful for the one living it? 2. What makes someone a good (or bad) person? 3. What makes morally right actions right (and wrong ones wrong)? 4. What reasons do we have (if any) to be moral? 5. What are some effective motivators of moral behavior?

Student Outcomes

(1) Students will be able to state some central philosophical questions and describe some of the main answers to those questions that have been proposed. (2) Students will be able to analyze philosophical arguments, identifying important strengths and weaknesses in those arguments. (3) Students will be to develop their own views on important philosophical questions and defend those views in both speech and writing.
