Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the major religious traditions of the world. It includes Eastern, Western, ancient, indigenous, and new religious movements. Its major goal is to inform students about the beliefs, histories, and practices of the world’s religions from pre-historic times to the present. Amongst other things, the expectation is that students will appreciate the significance of religions and beliefs systems in the birth and development of civilizations, their influence in the everyday life of practitioners, history, and the contemporary world, and the need to acquire knowledge and understanding of religions and religious practices.

Student Outcomes

In keeping with the foregoing statement, the following Student Outcomes apply to this course in Religious Studies: • Students will be able to develop a solid foundation of credible knowledge about diverse religions and the concept of “religion.” • Students will be able to cultivate a greater global and cultural awareness of self and other by engaging with peoples and cultures from around the globe. • Students will be able to develop robust and responsible ways to think comparatively about religious similarities and differences.
