"REL 130D Introduction to Religions Kim Fall 2023" by Sujung Kim

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2023

Course Description

Most people in the world practice some form of religion, and most of these religions originated hundreds or even thousands of years ago. This class will introduce students to a number of religious traditions in their classical formulations and their contemporary practices. Students will also explore the academic study of religion, considering how various disciplines approach the myths, stories, symbols, rituals, ideas, and ethical practices of these religions. This introduction will provide students a framework within which to reflect on their own experiences, as well as prepare students for further academic study in Religious Studies and the humanities at large. The traditions that this course covers include: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Islam, and Judaism.

Student Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to describe major religious traditions in the world and employ key concepts in the study of religion. Students who successfully complete this class will gain an understanding of the diversity and commonalities of religious life in various cultures and historical periods, as well as how and why people construct their religious worlds.
