"MUS VOCC Applied Voice Sandes Fall 2023" by Bruno Sandes

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2023

Course Description

Individual training in vocal technique, communication, artistic expressivity, and its application to diverse vocal literature styles and performance. This course is a series of private voice lessons. The purpose of private voice instruction is primarily to assist you in developing your ability to sing with your own voice, using good and healthy technique to express musical art. You will do this through technical exercises, repertoire study, and dramatic coaching.

Student Outcomes

● Sing, from memory, the required number (or more) of contrasting pieces in different languages (English, Italian, German, French are required, but students are encouraged to learn songs in other languages such as Russian, Spanish, or any language which the student is interested in). The minimum repertoire requirements vary by school year and degree type (see Jury Requirements document) ● Perform in front of a jury/audience with artistry, which includes stage presence (good posture and attitude), clear diction, awareness of varied repertoire styles, and reliable vocal technique. ● Develop and work toward goals set at the beginning of the semester.
