"MUS PRC Applied Percussion Kuo Fall 2023" by Ming-Hui Kuo

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2023

Course Description

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Students earn one-half course credit for weekly 60-minute lessons or one- quarter course credit for weekly 30-minute lessons per semester. (After completion of the sophomore proficiency examination and advancement into the B.M. degree program, junior and senior performance majors earn one course credit in the primary instrument.) Permission of the instructor is required for liberal arts students to enroll in applied lessons. Degree-seeking students may not take applied music courses on an audit basis. Ordinarily, students in the School of Music may earn no more than one course credit in applied music each semester. Additional fees are charged for individual applied lessons, applied music classes and dance classes. Music majors are not required to pay fees for private lessons or applied music classes, except for courses taken beyond the credit required for the specific degree program. Students pay additional fees for piano accompanists.

Student Outcomes

The goal of applied percussion study at the DePauw University School of Music is to develop well-rounded percussionists who can function in a wide variety of musical roles – as soloists, chamber musicians, large ensemble players, and educators – and in a wide range of musical genres – contemporary solo and ensemble music, classical orchestral repertoire, jazz, world, and popular music, and experimental and improvisatory music. In a one-on one setting that we will focus on the development of a refined, controlled technique along with a high level of musicianship and interpretive skills in each major area of percussion performance – snare drum, marimba and vibraphone, timpani, multi-percussion, drum set, and orchestral percussion instruments. Sight- reading, ear-training, analysis, listening, historical context, and a knowledge of solo, ensemble, and pedagogical material for percussion are all a part of this study. Dr. Kuo will work with each of you individually at the beginning of each semester to develop a trajectory for your course of study.
