Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2024


Organic chemistry is a highly visual subject since organic compounds are 3D objects. For this reason, in order to fully understand the composition, properties, and chemistry of these compounds, it is essential to understand and visualize their 3D structures. Nevertheless, there is a frequent necessity to depict organic substances on 2D surfaces, such as paper, a computer screen, or a whiteboard. As a result, one of the biggest obstacles we will face is learning these molecules in a 2D format while maintaining an accurate understanding of 3D nature. The purpose of this e-textbook is to fully utilize the digital medium by integrating images, videos, games, 3D interactive objects, etc., in order to assist students in comprehending the properties of molecules in both 2D and 3D formats.


Funding provided by the Faculty Development Committee Summer Faculty-Student Research program

Included in

Biochemistry Commons



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