"Toward an educational sphereology: Air, wind, and materialist pedagogy" by Derek R. Ford

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It’s not uncommon for people to make reference to atmospheres, including in relationship with educational spaces. In this article, we investigate educational atmospheres by turning to Western and Chinese literature on the air and wind. We pursue this task in three phases. First, we examine the Western literature to see the possible strings of thought that would help us reinvigorate the element of air/atmosphere as a foundational component of an educational sphere. Second, we historicize the Chinese notion of wind as a style of reasoning which structures ancient Chinese cosmology, tempo-spatiality, teaching, and governing into a grid of intelligibility. Third, we argue for a bracketing of a trap of philology and a signifier-signified representational logic through reconceptualizing the atmosphere as a thing that blurs the material-figural boundary and that pushes into a new genre of educational life.


This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Educational Philosophy and Theory, on October 20, 2017, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00131857.2017.1389269

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