
Submissions from 2025


Sexuality education, populism, and the promise of critical health education studies, Caitlin Howlett

Submissions from 2024


What’s so Marxist about Marxist Educational Theory?, Derek R. Ford


(Un)learning Aesethetics: Pedagogy and the Perceptual Ecology of Class Struggle, Derek R. Ford and Daniela Chaparro '21

Postdigital Marxism and education, Derek R. Ford and Petar Jandrić


Still-existing utopian pedagogy: Architecture, curriculum, and the revolutionary imaginary, Derek R. Ford and Maria Svensson


Disciplining Subjectivities and Sensing Time at a US University, Amy N. Sojot

Submissions from 2023

Arrhythmanalysis and Revolutionary Rupture of Détournement: Lefebvre and the Pedagogical Rhythms of Post-Fordism, Derek R. Ford

Art, education and the actuality of revolution: Althusser’s aesthetic materialism, Derek R. Ford


Defending ‘our schools:’ Koreans in Japan face continued racism., Derek R. Ford

From “Authentic” to Actual Marxist Educational Theory: Advancing Revolutionary Pedagogies, Derek R. Ford


"From 'I will' to 'I can:' The political and pedagogical playfulness of Tyson E. Lewis" In T.E. Lewis, Educational potentialities: Collected Talks on Revolutionary Education, Aesthetics, and Organization, Derek R. Ford

Marx and Technology, Derek R. Ford

Postdigital Time, Derek R. Ford

Sonic Directions to the Urban Student: Lyotard, the Megalopolis, and Not Listening as Pedagogy, Derek R. Ford


Teaching the actuality of revolution: Aesthetics, unlearning, and the sensations of struggle, Derek R. Ford


The "Manifesto of the Communist Party" at 175 Years: Same Audience, Different Conjuncture, Derek R. Ford


So much more than research: Learning from women leaders in philosophy of education, Liz Jackson and Amy N. Sojot


An ‘accidental or unintentional academic’ on becoming a leading philosopher of education: An interview with Tina Besley, Liz Jackson, Amy N. Sojot, and Tina Besley


A dialogue with Michael Hardt on revolution, joy, and learning to let go, Alexander J. Means, Amy N. Sojot, Yuko Ida, and Michael Hardt


Empire and Education, Alexander J. Means, Amy N. Sojot, Yuko Ida, and Manca Sustarsic


"Introduction" in Empire and Education, Alexander J. Means, Amy N. Sojot, Yuko Ida, and Manca Sustarsic

Radical studying for another world: A conversation with Eli Meyerhoff, Alexander J. Means, Amy N. Sojot, and Eli Meyerhoff

‘After Brexit and AUKUS’: Twitter-inspired collective writing on geopolitics of an emerging multipolar world, Michael A. Peters, Alexander Means, David Neilson, Georgina Tuari Stewart, Petar Jandrić, Sean Sturm, Ben Green, Derek R. Ford, Steve Fuller, Liz Jackson, and Eryong Xue

Emotional fundamentalism and education of the body, Amy N. Sojot

"Feeling pedagogy’s affective and material flashpoints in the science fiction animation 'Zima Blue'” in Flashpoint Epistemology Volume 1: Arts and Humanities-Based Rethinkings of Interconnection, Technologies, and Education, Amy N. Sojot


‘No single way takes us to our different futures’: An interview with Liz Jackson, Amy N. Sojot and Liz Jackson

Encountering education: Elements for a Marxist pedagogy, Disidentifying with capital: An interview with Derek R. Ford, Ben Stahnke and Derek R. Ford

Submissions from 2022


"Listening to the Mute Voices of Words: Errant Pedagogy in the Zone" in Lyotard and Critical Practice, Derek Ford


"Marxist theories of teaching" in Encyclopedia of Teacher Education, Derek Ford


Postdigital Soundscapes: Sonics, Pedagogies, Technologies, Derek Ford

Teaching the actuality of revolution: Unlearning, aesthetics, and the sensations of struggle, Derek Ford


Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—The New Normal, Derek Ford and et al.


The Postdigital-Biodigital Revolution, Derek Ford, Alexander Means, Amy N. Sojot, Michael A. Peters, Sarah Hayes, and Petar Jandrić


"Chongryon: The struggle of Koreans in Japan" in Socialist education in Korea: Selected works of Kim Il-Sung, Derek R. Ford


Communist study: Education for the commons, 2nd ed., Derek R. Ford


Encountering Education: Elements for a Marxist Pedagogy, Derek R. Ford


"Facing the Test: The Leninist Party as Proctor" in The future of Lenin: Politics, power, and revolution in the 21st century, Derek R. Ford


The Happy Marriage of Afro-Pessimism and U.S. Universities: Eurocentrism, Anti-Communism, and an Educational Recipe for Defeat, Derek R. Ford and Nino Brown


Aesthetic Encounters Beyond the Present: Historical Materialism and Sonic Pedagogies for Resisting Abstraction, Derek R. Ford and Maria Esposito '23


Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures, Derek R. Ford and Peter Jandric


"Contextualizing the 'Theses on socialist education:' Lessons for revolutionary pedagogy today" in Socialist education in Korea: Selected works of Kim Il-Sung, Derek R. Ford and Curry Malott


"Spreading Stupidity: Intellectual Disability and Anti-Imperialist Resistance to Bioinformational Capitalism" in Bioinformational Philosophy and Postdigital Knowledge Ecologies, Derek R. Ford and Megha Summer Pappachen '20

Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures, Petar Jandrić and Derek R. Ford

Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures, Petar Jandrić and Derek R. Ford

Submissions from 2021


Inhuman educations : Jean-François Lyotard, pedagogy, thought, Derek R. Ford


Marxism, Pedagogy, and the General Intellect: Beyond the Knowledge Economy, Derek R. Ford


Marx’s inquiry and presentation: The pedagogical constellations of the Grundrisse and Capital, Derek R. Ford


Pedagogically reclaiming Marx’s politics in the postdigital age: Social formations and Althusserian pedagogical gestures, Derek R. Ford


Review of Prudence Chamberlain, The feminist fourth wave: Affective temporalityReview of Prudence Chamberlain, The feminist fourth wave: Affective temporality, Derek R. Ford

Listening Like a Postdigital Human: The Politics and Knowledge of Noise, Derek R. Ford and Masaya Sasaki


"Listening like a postdigital human: The politics and knowledge of noise" In Postdigital humans: Transitions, transformations, and transcendence, Derek R. Ford and Masaya Sasaki


Against Sex Education Pedagogy, Sex Work, and State Violence, Caitlin Howlett

‘If someone discovers these gentle pot-stirrings…’: An interview with Nesta Devine, Liz Jackson and Amy N. Sojot


Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—1 Year Later, Sahar D. Sattarzadeh


When We In/visibilize Our Nobility . . ., Sahar D. Sattarzadeh


"#MustFall–TheEvent: Rights, Student Activism and the Transformation of South African Universities" in University on the Border: Crisis of Authority and Precarity, Sahar D. Sattarzadeh, André Keet, and Willy Nel

Cronenberg pedagogy and fleshy possibilities for educational futures, Amy N. Sojot

Submissions from 2020


Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures, Derek Ford and Petar Jandrić


Teaching in the Age of Covid-19, Derek R. Ford


The Aesthetics of Exodus: Virno and Lyotard on Art, Timbre, and the General Intellect, Derek R. Ford


The sonic aesthetics of writing: Pedagogy, timbre, and thought, Derek R. Ford

The multitude beyond measure: Building a common stupor, Derek R. Ford and Masaya Sasaki


Teaching in the Age of COVID-19, Sahar D. Sattarzadeh

New Materialism and Educational Innovation, Amy N. Sojot

Submissions from 2019


Marxist Education Across the Generations: A Dialogue on Education, Time, and Transhumanism, Derek Ford

US sovereignty must not be defended: Critical education against Russiagate, Derek R. Ford

Sensation and Pedagogies in Teacher Education, Amy N. Sojot

Tension, Sensation, and Pedagogy: Depictions of Childhood’s Struggle in Saga and Paper Girls, Amy N. Sojot

Submissions from 2018


China’s Education, Curriculum Knowledge and Cultural Inscriptions: Dancing with the Wind, Derek Ford


On the Freedom to be Opaque Monsters: Communist Pedagogy, Aesthetics, and the Sublime, Derek Ford


Pedagogy of the ‘not’: Negation, Exodus, and Postdigital Temporal Regimes, Derek Ford

Postmodern communism: An educational constellation, Derek R. Ford


Queer Communist Study: The Sinthomostudier Against The Capital-debt-learning Regime, Derek R. Ford

Pedagogical possibilities of becoming and the transitional space, Amy N. Sojot

Submissions from 2017


Pedagogy and Politics, Confrontational Negotiations: A Response to Zhao, Derek R. Ford


Toward an educational sphereology: Air, wind, and materialist pedagogy, Derek R. Ford

Submissions from 2016


A Pedagogy for Space: Teaching, Learning, and Studying in the Baltimore Rebellion, Derek R. Ford


Joining the Party Critical Education and the Question of Organization, Derek R. Ford


Studying like a Communist: Affect, the Party, and the Educational Limits to Capitalism, Derek R. Ford


Insurrection, Not Inclusion: Education and the Right to the City in Occupied Palestine, Derek R. Ford and Laura Jordan Jaffee

Submissions from 2015


A Figural Education With Lyotard, Derek R. Ford


The News Media, Education, and the Subversion of the Neoliberal Social Imaginary, Derek R. Ford


The Pneumatic Common: Learning in, with and from the Air, Derek R. Ford