"Pedagogical possibilities of becoming and the transitional space" by Amy N. Sojot

Pedagogical possibilities of becoming and the transitional space

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Asking after the self in the process of learning without a definitive endpoint or prescribed path to creating that knowledge presents a way to consider a self that is distinct from assumptions of what constitutes an ideal learner. Thinking of the space and self in motion, rather than as inert and passive, allows the exploration of pedagogical implications. In this paper, I revisit a moment of self-provocation during preparation for a class. Reflecting and critically engaging with this memory presents a vignette to work through the possibilities of transitional space, the sensation of the becoming, learning self, and how the act of “catching myself” enables the reconsideration of engaging with pedagogy and assumptions made about education. Conceptualizing the learning self as becoming and in motion—rather than being, was, is, or to be—loosens the grasp of fixed educational assumptions that guide the discourse of education, in how it is conceived and acted out. This “loosening” has reverberations within the politics of how things are taught, considered, and learned, as it calls into question hierarchical valuations of what constitute “accepted” ways of knowing and being.

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