A Collaborative Faculty Achievement Collections Process

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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DePauw University’s institutional repository, “Scholarly and Creative Works from DePauw University,” was in its beginning stages when I began my position as Scholarly Communication and Cataloging Librarian in July of 2020. There were some faculty members who used the service, provided by the DePauw Libraries, frequently. But many others who did not have their works represented due to the submission process, or lack thereof. The Faculty Development and Dean of the Faculty also collected faculty research and creative output in the form of a Libguide and a yearly achievement booklet. I sought to combine our efforts of collecting these items into a single process. Working in collaboration with the Dean of the Libraries, Dean of the Faculty, Academic Affairs, and the Faculty Development Coordinator, we created a Faculty Achievement Submission Form to benefit all departments. In my lightning talk I will describe the process of creating the form as well as the new institutional repository workflow I was able to implement.


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