Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course is designed to provide a safe environment for creative risks, to help students develop and enhance their vocal, physical, and expressive skills for more effective communication, and to stimulate the creativity necessary for performance and presentation in a variety of venues and mediums. More specific student objectives include:

  • To increase self-awareness of the human voice and body through organic instruction, self-teaching, and self-perception.
  • To gain confidence, heightened awareness, and to develop a deeper sense of interpersonal communication and connection with others through various forms of expression and presentation.
  • To gain the ability to lessen or relieve stress and anxiety through specific breathing and relaxation techniques.
  • To broaden the versatility of the vocal/physical instrument for more creative character development and wider explorations of human behavior and expressiveness.
  • To find and create new ways to vocally and physically express a text, pulling away from patterning.
  • To learn to incorporate economy, precision, purpose, and the use of metaphor into stage movement.
  • To revisit the basic techniques and principles of acting through application.
  • To explore and appreciate various movement styles and vocal expression, the creative process, and collaborative efforts of theatrical performance.
  • To develop the skills of critically observing, analyzing, and applying techniques and principles related to voice and movement and effectively articulating them through reflection.

Student Outcomes

  • Students will be able to analyze their own progress through a heightened self-awareness of their physical instrument, their utilization of vocal tone, and articulation in their speech with consonant energy.
  • Students will be able to apply specific voice and movement techniques and terminology to their projects, class discussion, and in their journal entries.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate improved diction, volume through tone, and vocal expressiveness.
