Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course is designed for those students who are considering a career of teaching in their future whether through experiential induction programs such as TFA, AUSL Chicago Teacher Residency, Fulbright, AEON Amity, JET, etc. or a traditional post- baccalaureate licensing program of study. Weekly classroom study of the field of education on campus is balanced with a weekly teaching practicum in a P-12 classroom. This course has a heavy field practicum which requires one-on-one placement.

Student Outcomes

Following are broad-based objectives. At the end of this semester, students will be able to: (1) Identify a Love [for] learning and exude a commitment to continued learning throughout their lives. (from DePauw Univ. objectives) (2) Engage in observational study/reflection regarding assigned teaching/learning experiences

  • Develop skills of critical observation of classroom teaching/learning
  • Evaluate one’s transition from “student” to becoming a “student of teaching”
  • Confirm or deny one’s desire to become a future teacher based upon the semester-long field-component, electronic discussions, and in-class assigned reading and activities (3) Evaluate P-12 pedagogy
  • Discuss the curriculum-instruction-assessment triad in theory and in practice
  • Compare and contrast learning-style preferences of P-12 students (4) Analyze educational ethics issues
  • Distinguish among pedagogical styles of classroom teachers and their impact on P-12 student learning
  • Discern factors that impact given P-12 teaching/learning environments such as student motivation and classroom dynamics
  • Given a real learning community, identify and critique stakeholders’ input in the teaching/learning experience
