"EDUC 480A Educational Research Howlett Fall 2023" by Caitlin Howlett

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2023

Course Description

An in-depth exploration and evaluation of methods, theories, and politics of educational inquiry and research in relation to current topics in the field of education studies. Through synthesizing previous coursework and engaging new common readings, students work with the instructor to identify and pursue a new line of inquiry that serves to extend and advance the ideas that define the critical educator, transformative intellectual, and public pedagogue. Students produce a substantive scholarly product and give a formal presentation. Prerequisites: Junior Education Studies major, EDUC 170, 222, and 223.

Student Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: ● Describe and apply basic quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, and philosophical and historical research practices. ● Explain political and ethical dimensions of the educational research landscape as well as of various theoretical frameworks and methods. ● Identify, reflect upon, and complicate their own relationship to hierarchies of power and account for the impact of this relationship in educational research and as an emerging researcher. ● Structure and complete a literature review for a topic of their interest.
