Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Application of nutrition to the context of sport and performance; includes macro and micro nutrient manipulation, fluids, supplements, and exercise metabolism. The big picture in this class: How does a person obtain more energy for the purposes of exercise? Here “energy” refers to making adenosine triphosphate [ATP] from food, and “exercise” refers to making cross-bridges in skeletal muscle (which make force and movement = exercise). You will need to know some biochemistry for this, since these pathways are regulated by enzymatic activity. You will also need to know some nutrition, since ATP is made from the food we eat (carbohydrate, fat, and protein). So, learning about nutrition and biochemistry during exercise will make up the bulk of the class.

Student Outcomes

After completion of this class, you should be able to:  Describe the dietary information and guidelines provided by the U.S. government  Briefly explain dietary sources of macro- and micro-nutrients  Explain the basic chemical structure of macro- and micro-nutrients  Give an overview of the biochemistry of exercise and explain the integration of the pathways involved  Explain how to measure and predict energy intake and expenditure in an athlete  Explain digestion and absorption of nutrients during exercise  Explain how carbohydrates are metabolized and describe the role of carbohydrate in exercise  Explain how proteins are metabolized and describe the role of proteins in exercise  Explain the molecular biological response to exercise  Explain how lipids are metabolized and describe the role of lipids in exercise  Calculate carbohydrate and protein needs for an athlete  Explain the energetics of weight control for athletes, and how to practically help an athlete lose or gain weight  Describe obesity and its suggested solutions, particularly for athletes  Explain fluid balance and rehydration for exercise; calculate an athlete’s fluid needs  Describe the relationship of the micronutrients to performance and exercise  List nutritional ergogenic aids which are supported by science and explain their proposed mechanism of action and describe the regulation of nutritional supplements in the U.S.  Describe the scope of practice for a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist vs an allied health field professional  Describe the use of nutrition for recovery from injury  Describe how exercise and nutrition affect the immune system and practical nutritional recommendations to boost the immune system and recovery from an illness or injury  Describe practical ways to help an athlete boost their immune system  Describe the pros and cons of a vegan diet for an athlete  Describe what signs and symptoms to look for in an athlete with an eating disorder and how to practically help them  Describe special sport nutrition considerations for youth, females, and the aged  Describe what has been suggested to change behavior in an athlete re: nutritional counseling  Describe ways of measuring body composition and the pros and cons of each way of measurement
