Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course teaches the basis of exercise testing and prescription for healthy normal folks, folks with controlled disease states (e.g. cardiovascular, respiratory, and metabolic disease), and athletes. Students will become proficient in running tests, interpreting tests, and prescribing exercise for a variety of conditions.

Student Outcomes

After completion of this class, the student will be able to: 1. Describe principles of screening for subjects to participate in physical exercise. 2. Describe the idea of testing and prescription as the basis of what we primarily do in the Kinesiology field. 3. Describe principles of test selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation for resistance, aerobic, and speed and agility performance in health, athletic performance, and stable disease states. 4. Demonstrate correct exercise technique and teaching technique for a variety of exercise types – both resistance and cardiovascular. 5. Design an exercise program for improving athletic performance, in the areas of resistance training, cardiovascular training, plyometric training, and speed and agility training, and include the concept of periodization. 6. Design an exercise program for improving health in both healthy normals, and folks with stable disease. 7. Describe workout facility design, layout, and organization, as well as policies, procedures, organization, and legal issues.
