Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course aims to offer a comprehensive exploration of psychological theories and principles that impact human behavior within the realms of sports and physical activities. According to the American Psychological Association (Division 47), sport and exercise psychology is described as "the scientific examination of the psychological factors linked to engagement and performance in sports, exercise, and various forms of physical activity." Practitioners in sport and exercise psychology primarily concentrate on two key aspects: (1) assisting individuals in utilizing psychological principles and skills to attain optimal performance and satisfaction through sports participation, and (2) comprehending the psychological impact of involvement in sports, exercise, and physical activity on development, health, and overall well-being.

Student Outcomes

Students will be able to: 1. Identify and describe key definitions, distinctions, and proposed causal mechanisms of most major psychological theories in sport and physical activity. 2. Analyze, distinguish, and apply the theoretical knowledge to respond to challenges commonly encountered in the arenas of sport and physical activity. 3. Communicate the interdisciplinary nature of the study of sport and physical activity. 4. Identify and describe key issues related to professional ethics and responsibility in sport and exercise psychology. 5. Identify and describe key issues of diversity by demonstrating understanding of research evidence.
