Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course will discuss relevant statistics from multiple sports including football, soccer, basketball, and hockey. Students will take an in-depth look at how to calculate common statistics and relate those statistics to past and present-day athletes. The course will also discuss the theory, development, and application of analytics in sports. Students will learn about the application of analytics in sports for purposes of in-game strategy, player performance, team management, sports operations, and many other situations

Student Outcomes

Students will be able to: 1. Apply appropriate statistical concepts to analyze various exercise and sports decisions 2. Recognize, formulate, and analyze decision making in sports 3. Research, plan, organize and produce a report as part of a collaborative team on a critical sports problem either on or off the playing field 4. Critically evaluate and interpret the results of data analysis and derive implications for coaches and other decision makers in sports organizations
