Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Semester Objectives: 1.) To establish a healthy vocal technique with a focus on mindful use of the voice, sustainability, and communication 2.) To gain a better understanding of how the voice functions. 3.) To apply sustainable, well-coordinated vocal technique to previously learned and newly assigned vocal literature. 4.) To highlight awareness of optimal postural configurations, proprioception, kinesthesia, and learn how they can be used as powerful tools in voice production. 5.) To explore and perform repertoire that is selected by the teacher and student on the principle of what is most advantageous for the student's vocal development and favorable towards their artistry.

Student Outcomes

1.) To assess and provide detailed descriptions of their experiences when singing, and to be able to use that awareness to help themselves in pressured performance situations 2.) To identify changes in their sound production at a more detailed level 3.) To utilize the necessary tools and skills to correct any of their vocal issues/imbalances on a much more detailed level than upon entry into this class 4.) To evaluate other teachers’ and performers’ work using mindful communication to express their impressions/opinions/ideas 5.) To demonstrate greater specificity when selecting repertoire based on range, tessitura, subject matter, edition, dynamics, vowels, contour, etc.
